Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Upside of the Recession...


Yep. I've already mentioned one below. And speaking of low gas prices, check out this blog entry by one of my favorite celebrity bloggers, Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert):


Scott brings up some good points! My favorite is his comment about "24." I've never seen the show, but the comment is great!

I have also posted the Dilbert blog under my favorite links ("I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends...," shown to the right).

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Gas Prices

So what are the gas prices like in Florida right now? Here is a sample of what we can get up here in the mid-west:

I think the lowest we saw was $1.77. But heck, when it is this low, you are honestly not even shopping around as much as you are when it is upwards of $4.00/gallon, because you are just so happy that you aren't breaking the bank with every fill-up!

One other anomaly: at one gas station, the price of mid-grade fuel was the same as the price of unleaded! Too bad we had just filled up...

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Sunday Selection: God's Power

Yes, it is Tuesday. Yes, I don’t always post these on Sundays. But I try to, and I think of these selections on Sundays, usually while I am at Church. This week, we had the great opportunity of being in the “Show Me” state (Missouri) and Kansas (home of those GREAT Chiefs and Royals). We went to the Overland Park 1st Ward yesterday, and we got to hear from a recently-returned missionary, Sister Fackrell. She served her mission in Croatia. During her talk, she brought up a great point about the power of God. She said that while we can be doing everything we need to be doing to keep the commandments and stay true to our covenants, but if we do not have the faith to go along with those works, the things for which we are praying might not come true. Faith is required for our spiritual progression. God already knows what we need and what we want, we just have to pray for it and have an unshakable faith in those things.

I thought about my own life, and all the things that I am praying for right now. Do I have enough faith? Or do I let too much doubt creep in? Is *any* doubt too much? When I am fasting and praying for these things, do I really believe that they are going to come to pass?

Over the last year or so, I have received some amazing revelations concerning things that the Lord has promised for me and my family. Some of them have already come to pass. Some of them I know the Lord will make happen when the time is right. But it is not easy. There is so much discouragement out there—so many reasons to think things shouldn’t go right. But I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he wants us to be happy. We must have an eternal perspective, and keep living the Gospel. The Lord will continue to bless us as we follow his will.

And have faith.

For Sunday Selections from previous weeks, please go to that tag on my old blog here. This is a permanent feature of my blog—I just may not do it as often as I should (but isn’t it like that with a lot of things?).


While in Kansas City (I am here for an OSHA training for work), we decided to go to the Garden of Eden. That’s right—Spring Hill (a.k.a. Adam-Ondi-Ahman; see Doctrine & Covenants 116:1). My wife was inspired this week more than ever to finally start up her blog, and you can see her photo tour of Adam-Ondi-Ahman here, here and here. I wanted to add to that by adding this video of some beautiful wildlife that we saw while we were on our way out of there.

It was really neat. Can you guess what the deer were thinking?

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