Monday, September 15, 2008

Raw Power

Raw Power

The following entry contains a lot of information, but I want to help! Some of it is touchy, but I wanted to put it all in one place so that I can refer people to my findings.

Here goes!

The diet that Alicia and I are on can be called the Raw Vegan diet or the Living Foods diet. Just eat any raw fruits, vegetables (including lots of sprouts), nuts, or seeds! The important thing is not to cook any foods, as cooking any food destroys the enzymes needed to give life and health to your body and also to digest the food. Let me repeat that, because it is very important. Not only are cooked foods hard to digest in the first place, they also have been stripped of the enzymes that are naturally in them before they are cooked (the enzymes die when they are heated to a temperature of 118 degrees F), so they are DOUBLY harder to digest. Raw foods are easier to digest because they aren't hard for your body to process, and the enzymes in them help you to digest them too! I'm sure you've heard how long it takes to digest meat and other foods (1-3 days). Conversely, it only takes your body 2-1/2 hours to digest a raw meal, and only 15 minutes to digest a raw juice. If you eat three cooked meals a day, your body is constantly trying to digest the enzyme-depleted food, and by the time it gets done digesting 1 meal that you’ve consumed earlier, you've already eaten another one. It is very hard for your body to heal itself when this is going on constantly, and very EASY for your body to be susceptible to diseases. Compare that to eating raw (non-pasteurized!) juices and raw foods, and your body has a lot of time to quickly digest the food and then can move on to eliminating cancer cells or problems related to other diseases. Not only was my body able to heal itself from brain cancer (and rid itself of the toxins that the doctors gave me through chemotherapy), but Alicia was able to heal herself from being insulin-resistant (and very close to adult-onset diabetes). Since she started eating raw, her blood sugar has not once been above 100, even after a meal of only fruits! Many people do not know that high blood-sugar is actually related to fat and toxins. If your bloodstream is filled with a lot of hard-to-digest fat (including raw fat), the sugars (even good sugars) that you eat cannot be digested quickly, stay in your bloodstream, and cause problems, ranging from diabetes to cancer to candita (yeast) infections.

I know this helped us! My dream is to eventually start "The DT Foundation" to help people get this information. Raw food is going to be a lot less uncommon than it is now. It is not just a "thing" anymore. The best book that I can recommend you read is "The China Study" by Dr. Colin Campbell. In it, he relates how our health is closely related to the foods that we eat. AMAZING science behind eating a plant-based diet!

Quick tip: if you decide to go raw and someone asks you something crazy like “But where do you get your protein from?” ask them—“from where do you get YOUR protein?” Animal protein is just not meant to be consumed by humans. It is the wrong kind of protein.

Here are some web sites from the Hippocrates Health Institute. This is a place that teaches people to live a balanced life and eat a raw-foods diet:

General web site:
Sample Videos:
Sign up for their free magazine:

My wife and I, along with my Mom and Dad, went there for New Year’s this year (December 30-January 6, 2008). It is normally a 3-week detox program, but with our schedule and finances, we all decided to go for one week that time and perhaps try to do the rest later. It was an incredible experience. But I will blog about that later (hopefully).

Sorry this entry is choppy, but some of the thoughts are random. I wanted to get them all down. A friend asked me for “a list of the foods that you eat.” This sounded kind of funny to me, because I had already told him my standard answer—“fruits veggies, nuts, and seeds.” But it is a common question, so I decided to elaborate. Besides “fruits veggies, nuts, and seeds,” there is lots of raw cuisine out there. Just go to any Borders or Books-a-Million and look up their raw cookbooks (uncookbooks?). You shoul be pleasantly surprised!

Here are some web sites of raw food restaurants and recipes. The first one (The Present Moment—our favorite!... just by default though, because it is the only one in Northeast Florida) is in St. Augustine. The rest are in New York City. Another dream of mine (and Alicia’s) is to open up a raw restaurant in Jacksonville. It’s gonna happen, so keep an eye out for it.
Here are the sites:

Most of the foods at these types of restaurants are indulgences for Alicia and I, as even raw-fooders can get too much fat (from nuts, avocados, seeds, oils, etc.). Our diet really is simple! We have a shot of 1-2 ounces of wheatgrass (Google: wheatgrass if you don't know what that is) and fruit for breakfast, and then usually salad for lunch, with a fruit topping, a home-made raw salad dressing, or guacamole and salsa (my favorite). Then for dinner we'll eat fruits, raw soups, and/or something else of the like. There is not much to it! Some of our friends have even started modifying their diets to increase the percentage of raw food that they eat, and to me that is awesome! I think they are seeing the benefits when they really stick to it…

For more info on needing to keep the fat level down, see Dr. Doug Graham's book and philosophy, "The 80/10/10 Diet." ( In it, he explains the ratio of caloronutrients that humans should be eating, and why. 80/10/10 refers to 80% calories from carbohydrates, 10% from fats, and 10% from protein. This relates strongly with what I was saying earlier about carb sugars being "stuck" in the bloodstream and causing health problems. See the book excerpt on that very site. Not just for raw eaters! Whether you are eating 5%, 50%, 80%, or 100% raw, vegan or non-vegan, you should follow these ratios as close as possible.

I cannot stress that this thing that we have found is not just to lose weight. It is the way that God, in his infinite wisdom, has designed us to live. It is a way to live the way we were meant to live. Happy. Disease-free. Full of energy and life. It is being with our family for a LONG time. This is important for me, and I hope it is important for you. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Blogger Christian and Jennifer said...

DT, we are so grateful you are doing so well. Thanks for all the info on eating raw and for keeping us updated.

Monday, September 22, 2008 at 7:52:00 AM EDT  

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