Sunday Selection: The Word of Wisdom

The word of wisdom is a wonderful thing! I have thought about it a lot since I converted to being a raw vegan in November 2007, especially as it pertains to my family and me. I wanted to get some of my thoughts down in my blog, even if it causes some “discussion” (hopefully healthy and not contentious). Curious yet?
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.b.s.a. [also known by some as] the Mormon Church), I have always been taught the Word of Wisdom, which is found as a revelation from the Lord in the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89 (click here to read it in its entirety).
12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.
Well, growing up, I was always taught to somehow justify eating meat sparingly by maybe trying to limit it to once a day or even just "one meat per meal." After all, does it not say that the Lord has ordained meat for the use of man? Somehow the “only in times of famine” part got swept under the rug as we all justified it as being the natural way to eat—everyone eats like that today, so why not us?
I also like this part, which comes before the meat part:
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
Well, I originally became a raw vegan so that I could get healthy and eliminate the possibility of a cancer returning to my body. Some wonderful side effects have been that I lost 100 pounds, became even more health-conscious than I already was, and gained a greater appreciation for animals as well as ALL of God’s creatures. Life is wonderful!
I had originally intended to eat 100% raw for two years, after which I would switch to an 80/20 diet (80% raw, 20% cooked food [while still not eating meat, milk, or other animal products]). I think Hippocrates teaches that to its students in case they panic at the thought of never eating cooked food again! Whether that "worked" on me or not, I don't know, but I now think we should be taught to embrace that idea and realize that we are the ONLY mammals that cook their food. Isn't that interesting? Isn't it also interesting that affluent diseases like cancer and diabetes have become MUCH more prevalent in the last 100 years or so? But I now have zero intention of returning to cooked food on any kind of regular basis. I have learned too many good things and felt too many positive benefits from this lifestyle and doing the things that I know my Heavenly Father wants me to do. I am raw for life!
Please keep in mind that with this entry, I am not trying to chastise anyone for their interpretation of the Word of Wisdom OR for the way that they live. One of the things that I’ve learned is that we should all have mutual respect for the choices that we all make. I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us individually. What he has revealed to me and my family doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone else or even anyone else!
I am grateful to be able to share this lifestyle with our little Angelina, and I am happy that she has not only accepted it, but EMBRACED it. She LOVES trying new things and also sharing some of her favorite foods with other friends. Honestly, if you ever think about going raw but are afraid your family won’t get on-board with you, try it with your children! What kid doesn’t like raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, cherries, grapes, carrots, almonds, sunflower seeds, or cashews? What kid wouldn’t REALLY rather have some strawberries, bananas, and nuts than a hamburger? The really cool thing about children eating raw vegan is that they are much less “toxic” than we are, so you don’t necessarily have to worry about if they are getting too much of one nutrient (like a lot of fat or protein from too many nuts). Yes, you should teach them good principles, but their bodies will “talk” to them just like ours will to us and tell them what it is that they need to eat.
I am grateful that I can now "run and not be weary, and walk and not faint" and that "the destroying angel" is "passing by" us (verses 20-21).
Finally, I am grateful to have such awesome friends that not only support us, but are curious enough to attempt some of the things that we have done to change our lives. After all, everyone eats some raw food, so we all have something in common! We are also each at a different point in our own personal journey, and I simply wish to share the things that I have learned with my family through our study of this fascinating topic and through meaningful prayer with our Heavenly Father. I must say though, that I have seen some amazing changes in my friends who have tried it. Will everyone on this planet eventually eat like this? I don’t know, but I sure am enjoying it right now, and I know that much good can be done by sharing these things with others.
Labels: animals, compassion, family, friends, heavenly_father, interpretation, meat, raw, raw_diet, raw_vegan, scriptures, word_of_wisdom
Great post. Thanks. Nothing has amazed me more than seeing Wyatt (10 yrs old)embrace our lifestyle. I was dreading the fussing and fighting. It hasn't happened! It is incredible when I walk past him sitting at the table reading with a giant carrot in his hand chomping down on it. (The dozens of bananas and apples don't surprise me, but I find the carrot funny for some reason. He always goes for the biggest carrot in the crisper. He eats them without peeling them or anything.)
Anyway, I have been thinking about the 80/20 thing a lot lately too especially since coming back from Hippocrates. It seems a lot of living foods folks are going that route, not so much with meat or dairy as with grains and beans. I have a hard time with that as I really believe that FOR ME, I love the energy and vitality that living foods gives me. The thought of eating devitalized foods is pretty abhorent. It makes my stomach feel laden down just thinking about it.
This is not to say that I don't feel addictive tugs sometimes STILL, but it's not for steamed veggies and brown rice! That's how I know it for the addictive foods I used to eat that still have a hold on me occasionally. It is getting easier and easier to not think about them though, so I am grateful for that.
I believe the Word of Wisdom is just that: a document given to us from the Lord to help us sort out some of the mess created in whatever society we live. When you said we brushed our meat eating rationalizations, I think this is an example of not knowing how to do things a different way than what we had always done. The early saints had a similar problem in giving up their tobacco and coffee. The saints in Europe didn't know how to adjust without their nightly glass of wine with dinner. Once the first generation dies off, the later generations that have never had the coffee or the wine or the tobacco make the transition much better. How much better will the little children born in this generation be when they are brought up without harmful "foods"! What a wonderful thought. Maybe they will see peace as their generation moves towards a more peaceful lifestyle:
"When will the lion lie down with the lamb and the venom of the serpent cease while man seeds to destroy and waste the flesh of the beasts, waging a continual war against reptiles; let man first get rid of his destructive propensities and then we may look for a change in the serpent's disposition." Joseph Smith in The Memoirs of G. Smith as quoted in _Rough Stone Rolling_ by Richard Lyman Bushman, ch 12 p. 141.
Hey Darius, very interesting post. Sounds like you've had a lot of changes in your life over the past couple of years!
You know, right now I primarily eat cooked foods, since that's what I've done all my life. But your blog has made me re-consider that, and I'm definitely going to research raw foods now. Whenever I happen to eat raw food now (sushi, fruit, fresh salsa) I always enjoy it, and it does feel "right" somehow.
Also, praise God that you're cancer-free!
Thanks for the thoughts. I'm glad you notice the way your body "likes" raw food. I'm sure you'll be paying even more attention now. Just stay tuned for more!
We thank God every day for his healing powers, and we know now that this has happened for a reason. I feel better now than I ever have in my life! Now I want to help other people find joy in some of the things that I have learned.
Good luck with your research. If you want more information, just let us know, and we can certainly help. We've "coached" a few of our friends already, and our goal is to help get this information to people that want it--whether they are chronically sick or not. After all, I think we all need help with something.
I LOVE YOU!!! You are my inspiration. I love you for all that you do and are. I am really grateful for the guidance we have had on this topic. YOU know as well as some others this has been a topic of great importance in my life especially since all of the tumor stuff happened. Darius and I have been praying for health since we got married and this is the path that we were led to...I am so blessed to have friend and family support. This is very much like being introduced to the either know its true and adapt yourselves to it or you wait until your ready. I love the gospel there are so many different principles applied in our lives.
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