So the Oscars will be here in 3 weeks, and as usual, I haven't seen any of the movies nominated for best picture. Four of the five nominated flicks were rated "R," so that means the only one I would have even thought about watching was
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I don't remember that one being advertised!

I just read that netflix review of it that I linked to above, and now I do remember seeing a trailor or two for it.
My personal favorites from last year were Iron Man, Hellboy II, Hancock, Star Wars: the Clone Wars, and probably Dark Knight (we own it, but we still haven't watched it!), but, as a fanboy, I am a tad biased. We've got a rented copy of The Incredible Hulk sitting at home too, waiting to be watched. We really liked the 2003 version, so I don't see why this one won't be even better. We are also looking forward to watching Superhero Movie, Transporter 3, Twilight, and MAYBE Witless Protection (with Larry the Cable Guy). Delta Farce turned out to be a real dud.
Speaking of fanboys, check out this Wikipedia List of Marvel Films that I found while typing this:
I had no idea there were so many sequels in production! This is a good thing. Hopefully.
Anyone watch Wall-E? It got
nominated for six catagories! I saw it on DVD, and thought it was the worst Pixar movie ever made. Now, that's not saying much, because the rest of their movies are GREAT. So let me just say that it is not fun to watch. It takes about an hour to even get into what the plot actually is. I do like the ending though, and
not just because that meant the movie was over!
2008 Films that I enjoyed:
Baby Mama
Bedtime Stories (an Adam Sandler movie without any profanity? And it was GOOD to boot!)
Eagle Eye
Get Smart
Iniana 4
Kung Fu Panda
The Longshots (yes, a Fred Durst movie)
Vantage Point
Alicia and Angelina watched The Spiderwick Chronicles last week, and they said it was good.
Worst movies of 2008:
Mama's Boy (what exactly has happened to Jon Heder since Napoleon Dynamite?)
Speed Racer
Your thoughts on last year's crop of movies?
Labels: best_movies, fanboy, marvel_movies, movies, oscars, wall-e, worst_movies
I guess Academy Award criteria is different than "I want to relax and watch a movie" criteria because I rarely enjoy the ones that are nominated. Last year, AMC theatres had a day where you could go watch all the nominated films at one time. Most of them were R-rated, but I only really liked one of them well enough to watch it again (Juno).
I was told to watch Benjamin Button, but we haven't had the opportunity yet.
I'm just looking for a little escapism, so the films you listed do that for me. I don't have to think too hard about the plot or what the director is trying to say.
Of the ones you listed that you liked, we have seen (and liked) Baby Mama and Kung Fu Panda. Get Smart we saw, but not so much (did we like it) as we are big fans of the original show. Steve Carrell was way too smart...
I heard someone call Wall-E the best ever love story. Have you seen "Love Story"? I can think of at least a dozen better ones. We're trying to get to Leatherheads, but haven't had the time.
We liked Hancock okay too, and I loved Iron Man. Can't wait for the sequel. Of course, I love the main character, so that adds to my interest in it.
I'm trying to think if we saw any you didn't have listed, but I don't think we have. Academy Awards, pooh. Who needs them? Give me some good old escapism anytime. If I want to think, I'll read a book.
I believe mom has said it all again... I am so glad we all think alike because all of us moving in together or owning a business together would be a nightmare..
Do you notice how a lot of the action-packed movies never get any recognition? I like what Mom says about movies being used to escape.
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