Low-fat Lunch

The lunch consisted of some spring mix, apple slices, orange wedges, raisins, and sliced banana. No dressing needed!
Now of course I like raw salad dressings. I got to try a new type of guacamole this weekend--one that conisted simply of mushed-up avocado and grapefruit juice. It was so wonderful. And I absolutely love the ranch dressings that we've come up with, especially the caesar ranch!
Fruit dressings are great too though. They give you tons of energy and don't bog you down like some of the nut-based dressings that can make your diet more like 10/10/80 (80% or more fat), if you catch my drift. With this "fruit salad dressing," as I like to call it, no nuts are needed!
In case you are interested in the caloronutrient distribution, the meal was // calories from carbs/fat/protein. Here are the details:
Total calories: 578
% Calories from carbs/fat/protein: 92/3/5
The lettuce is about 12-13% calories from fat, but it is a low amount of calories in the overall meal (19!).
I got my information from http://www.nutridiary.com, which is a great place to keep a log of your meals and calories, or if you just want to look at the calorie distribution. It is really cool--you can create an account and save meals that you enter so that you don't have to enter them all over again later. If you have any questions, just ask!
Labels: 80-10-10, dr._graham, raw, salad
And it looks delicious, too!
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