Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Open Letter to Elder Alexander

I was just cleaning out my inbox, and I sent an email to Elder Jarod Alexander, from our ward. He is in the Salt Lake City, Utah mission, so he is enjoying the cold there now. He has matured a lot there, even from just the few months that he has been out there, from what I can tell from his emails.

Anyway, most of the thoughts from the email seemed like a journal entry (albeit short) for my life, so I wanted to go ahead and post it here for posterity:

Hey dude; we are glad to hear that everything is going good. It has been pretty cold here as of late (30's-50's), but we have also had some warm days sprinkled in. You are lucky to see so much snow. Alicia wants to see it so bad!

The work here is going pretty good. The missionaries just moved, along with the Elders from the Arlington ward, to some pretty pimp digs on Ft. Caroline Rd. The Stake President has asked us all to fast as a stake this weekend for the work to progress, and also so that each of us will have a teaching opportunity. Alicia, Angelina, and I really love missionary work, so of course that is one of the things for which we are fasting.

I get to teach the Presidency Message in Elder's Quorum tomorrow. I get to pick the topic, and Home Teaching has been on my mind a lot lately, so I think I am going to go with that. Plus, I have always been considered a home teaching guru in our ward, so I think people look up to me for that. I will pretty much prepare the lesson tonight from scratch, although I will be able to simply use a lot of the thoughts I've been having as a base. Any ideas on how to get the home teaching numbers up in our ward?

Hope everything goes well, and we can't wait to see you again and jam!


iLa Vida es Buena! (Life is Good!)
Darius S. Trunk

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baseball's Never Been Hotter....

Well, I called the Jacksonville Suns' front office today, to see when their promotional schedule would be released. They said that it is not ready yet, but to keep checking the web site.

So I asked them if they could tell me what Bobbleheads they were doing this year, and they were happy to oblige! They are doing only three this year, but they are some good ones:

  • Ivan De Jesus, Jr.
  • Clayton Kershaw
  • Southpaw
Great, right?!? Those are three games that we will NOT be missing this year!

It is still not up, but you can keep checking the following link to see their promotional schedule:

See you there!

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Raw Meet-up

For the newest JaxRaw meet-up, which was held this past Saturday, January 24, we met up at my favorite restaurant, which you know as the Present Moment. At first I was skeptical, because I envision all the meet-ups as being pot-luck luncheons where we all meet up and try each other's recipes. Yes, this one was more pricey, but we gained some valuable info and had just as much fun as at any other meet-up! We were also able to take some friends (Nick and Bella), and they had a blast!

We made contact with a few more important folks at the meet-up (namely Ian and Adam), and I added a few books to my wishlist ("Enzyme Nutrition" and "Raw Foods for Busy People"). We also got to try some GREAT food! Besides our now-usual raw chili (which I am happy to say that we have now replicated at home!), we got to try some indian food (tempeh, marinated veggies, and curry) as well as Chocolate Chip Cherry ice cream for dessert (it was amazingly creamy--very close to the good stuff down at Glazer Farms in Miami). The currey was also not the same as the kind they sell at Glazer, but it was very good in its own way.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the RAW BLUEBERRY PANCAKES that we had when we went to Present Moment earlier this month to celebrate an amazing achievement of mine (and a sign that the Living Foods lifestyle will allow your body to do AMAZING things): one year with no signs of cancer! Or course, that is another (neglected) post altogether... Anyway, they (the pancakes) were absolutely incredible. We are trying to think of a good time that we can go there in the morning, and just get a couple of plates of those for breakfast, as Ivette now has the place open for business in the mornings. There is also a fruit plate available that sounds good as a breakfast item.

Some of the other foods that we've made at home recently are:

  • Green Applesauce (the only ingredients are parsley and apples)
  • Lemonade
  • Chocolate milkshakes
  • Baklava
  • Whipped cream (great as a fruit topping or as a layer on the baklava!)
  • I have to mention the chili again. This stuff is going on the menu when we start OUR raw restaurant!

Pretty amazing stuff.

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Nintendo DS

As I said in my last facebook update, I am really excited about the Nintendo DS that Angelina got this past weekend as a late Christmas present. I have always loved video games, and I am hoping that this gives me a new excuse to start playing them more. Whos has time for video games?

On the DS, there are old favorites renewed, like Mario, Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda, Guitar Hero, and Resident Evil, as well as new games. There are even some educational games! Jaray was telling me that there is a zookeeper game in which you can learn all about different types of animals, even ones under the sea. So that makes it even easier to justify!

Maybe I can even eventually get a second DS for myself, because you can link up wirelessly to play two-player games. In the meantime, think she'll let me play hers? :)

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Selection: Be Perfected

Note: this post was actually initialized on Sunday, January 18, but I am just now posting it. Some of the thoughts may not have been fleshed out as much as I would have liked.

Today in Church, we had Ward Conference, so we got to hear from some of our leaders. The theme for the conference was from a scripture in the book of Mormon – Moroni 10:32-34. It says, in part:

Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in
him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of
all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is
his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in

2 Nephi 25:23 supports this:

For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our
children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to
God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

We can’t be perfect in this life, but the Lord, by His grace, will “finish up” our perfection AFTER we have done all that we can do to be perfect.

Other supporting scriptures:

Alma 13:6 - We are called to teach others so that they too can be perfected and return to live with God.

Moroni 7:48 - When he appears, we will be like Him, IF we have and pray for the pure love of Christ.

These came from President Voorwahler’s talk in Priesthood.

Glass of water analogy: we fill our glasses with our best effort to a certain level (a certain fraction).

The Lord then fills our glasses with what is missing—what is needed to make it full—AFTER all that we can do.

Other thoughts:

We must strive NOT to be complacent. As we do try to be perfect, we have to remember that there will always be new milestones to achieve. We must endure to the end and not be satisfied with “just” doing what we’ve done. "Enduring to the end" is not JUST accomplishing those initial goals, like getting baptized, going on a mission, going to the temple, etc.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Selection: The Word of Wisdom

The word of wisdom is a wonderful thing! I have thought about it a lot since I converted to being a raw vegan in November 2007, especially as it pertains to my family and me. I wanted to get some of my thoughts down in my blog, even if it causes some “discussion” (hopefully healthy and not contentious). Curious yet?

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.b.s.a. [also known by some as] the Mormon Church), I have always been taught the Word of Wisdom, which is found as a revelation from the Lord in the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89 (click here to read it in its entirety).

12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

Well, growing up, I was always taught to somehow justify eating meat sparingly by maybe trying to limit it to once a day or even just "one meat per meal." After all, does it not say that the Lord has ordained meat for the use of man? Somehow the “only in times of famine” part got swept under the rug as we all justified it as being the natural way to eat—everyone eats like that today, so why not us?

I also like this part, which comes before the meat part:

10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

Well, I originally became a raw vegan so that I could get healthy and eliminate the possibility of a cancer returning to my body. Some wonderful side effects have been that I lost 100 pounds, became even more health-conscious than I already was, and gained a greater appreciation for animals as well as ALL of God’s creatures. Life is wonderful!

I had originally intended to eat 100% raw for two years, after which I would switch to an 80/20 diet (80% raw, 20% cooked food [while still not eating meat, milk, or other animal products]). I think Hippocrates teaches that to its students in case they panic at the thought of never eating cooked food again! Whether that "worked" on me or not, I don't know, but I now think we should be taught to embrace that idea and realize that we are the ONLY mammals that cook their food. Isn't that interesting? Isn't it also interesting that affluent diseases like cancer and diabetes have become MUCH more prevalent in the last 100 years or so? But I now have zero intention of returning to cooked food on any kind of regular basis. I have learned too many good things and felt too many positive benefits from this lifestyle and doing the things that I know my Heavenly Father wants me to do. I am raw for life!

Please keep in mind that with this entry, I am not trying to chastise anyone for their interpretation of the Word of Wisdom OR for the way that they live. One of the things that I’ve learned is that we should all have mutual respect for the choices that we all make. I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us individually. What he has revealed to me and my family doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone else or even anyone else!

I am grateful to be able to share this lifestyle with our little Angelina, and I am happy that she has not only accepted it, but EMBRACED it. She LOVES trying new things and also sharing some of her favorite foods with other friends. Honestly, if you ever think about going raw but are afraid your family won’t get on-board with you, try it with your children! What kid doesn’t like raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, cherries, grapes, carrots, almonds, sunflower seeds, or cashews? What kid wouldn’t REALLY rather have some strawberries, bananas, and nuts than a hamburger? The really cool thing about children eating raw vegan is that they are much less “toxic” than we are, so you don’t necessarily have to worry about if they are getting too much of one nutrient (like a lot of fat or protein from too many nuts). Yes, you should teach them good principles, but their bodies will “talk” to them just like ours will to us and tell them what it is that they need to eat.

I am grateful that I can now "run and not be weary, and walk and not faint" and that "the destroying angel" is "passing by" us (verses 20-21).

Finally, I am grateful to have such awesome friends that not only support us, but are curious enough to attempt some of the things that we have done to change our lives. After all, everyone eats some raw food, so we all have something in common! We are also each at a different point in our own personal journey, and I simply wish to share the things that I have learned with my family through our study of this fascinating topic and through meaningful prayer with our Heavenly Father. I must say though, that I have seen some amazing changes in my friends who have tried it. Will everyone on this planet eventually eat like this? I don’t know, but I sure am enjoying it right now, and I know that much good can be done by sharing these things with others.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

NINE hours of Football?

I am finally getting around to watching the final NFL Playoff game of last weekend on DVR (Dolphins-Ravens), and I saw a great commercial from a beer company, which I will not name. So it says, "How can you watch NINE hours of NFL football this weekend? Easy... just skip the Sunday afternoon game!"

Love it.

Should be some amazing match-ups today and tomorrow.

The Cardinals are just plain up-starts, but they sure are fun to watch. They could give Carolina more than they want to handle.

The Ravens v. Titans game will be great. Not much has been said of the Titans since their winning streak (and their perfect season) was ruined a month or so ago. But their defense is still their defense, which is one of the best in the NFL. The Ravens' D would like to refute that and make a statement after making the dolphins look like guppies last weekend.

Eagles/Giants III: This one has all the makings of a classic. As some talking head on ESPN said yesterday, McNabb will have to play perfect for this one to be close. But if he does, it could be a repeat of their second match-up this year, in which Philly beat the G-Men 20-14. The Giants won the first game this year (in Philadelphia) 36-31, so this is the rubber game.

Chargers at Steelers: This is the one I am looking forward to the most. Phil Rivers and Big Ben Roethlisberger were drafted in the same class a few years ago. They both played very well this year. Yes, it looks like L.T. will not play for the Chargers this week due to injury, but in case you haven't heard, he's got a very suitable back-up, shorty Darren Sproles. He got over 300 all-purpose yards last week, as Peyton Manning watched pitifully from the sidelines (the Chargers have now ended the Colts' playoff run two years in a row!). The Steelers defense is just NASTY, while the Chargers defense is penetrable.

How many hours of football will YOU be watching this weekend?

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Monday, January 05, 2009

Garfield and Friends!

I just wanted to post this funny picture of Angelina that we took at the Outlet Mall in St. Augustine.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sunday Selection: Inspired Decisions

I wanted to share some of the thoughts we had as a group during Elder’s Quorum (Priesthood Meeting) at Church today. President Ladd taught the lesson, and it was on inspired decisions. He presented six steps to coming up with an inspired decision:

Six Steps to Coming Up With an Inspired Decision

1. Identify the Problem
• We all make decisions everyday, sometimes trivial, sometimes life-changing. Sometimes they are spiritual, but sometimes they are more of a temporal nature. Examples of temporal decisions may be to find out which job to accept, whether to accept a job wherein you need to relocate, a question about your garden or your “fields” (Alma 37:37).

2. Pray About It
• I thought this was interesting. I would think prayer would be the last part of the process. Like it says in Doctrine & Covenants—study it out in your mind and in your heart, and THEN pray, and you will feel the answer to what you should do. But no, you should first pray as soon as you identify the problem. In this way, you can receive divine help all along the way, and SOMETIMES, the Lord will answer your prayer right then and there, and you can move right along to step 5. I have had this happen several times (mostly in the last year and a half), and each time, I was very surprised to hear the answer WHILE I was still praying—before I even ended the prayer! Each time, I thought, “Are you sure?! You don’t want me to… ponder it more?” So yes, it is well worth it to pray about your decision before you move on to the next steps in the process.

3. Study the Problem
• Ah yes. This goes to that scripture in D&C about the Lord making it known to you AFTER you study it out “in your mind and in your heart.” Study it out, ask friends and others who may inspire you, and just ponder it.

4. Make a Decision
• Since you are receiving divine help along the way, go ahead and make the decision. Be confident! This will be the choice that you bring to the Lord. Several times during this lesson, I thought of the story of the Brother of Jared at the beginning of the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. I thought of how he had an important decision to make (how to have light in the 16 underwater barges in which he and his people would be traveling for the next year). He received a divine prompt to make a decision HIMSELF and THEN present it to the Lord for approval/confirmation. I thought of the confidence that he had when he brought his choice to the Lord, and the Lord rewarded him for his faith by helping him to know that the decision was a correct one.

5. Pray for Confirmation
• This is when we receive a “Yeah” or a “Neigh.” As you already know, you may not receive the answer you wanted, and it may not come WHEN you want it. That means not always right away, either.

6. Act—Do It!
• Sometimes we’ll think we made the wrong decision based on the results of the choice we made. Sometimes we won’t see that it was a good decision until much later. A lot of times we will ask, “Why?” “Why is this happening to ME?” If the times get tough, we also need to remember those feelings of confirmation that we did receive when we brought it to the Lord in prayer. Remember that decision-making process that was performed. Those six steps were important—don’t go back on your choose simply because it doesn’t feel right at first. Remember—that was an inspired decision!

We have to remember that things DO happen for a reason! We have to be ready for those tough times.

The other interesting thing that I got from this lesson was that we need to do the work ourselves—God will not take away our free agency by making the decision FOR us. This goes back to the story of the Jaredites—the brother of Jared needed to decide what HE wanted the Lord to do to help him. God wasn’t going to just spoon-feed it to him.

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